
The Rijksmuseum is open to everyone. We do our best to make all visitors feel welcome. Do you have a question? In the museum you can ask these at the Information Desk. You can also reach us at Do you have any specific tips or comments about the accessibility of the Rijksmuseum? Mail to We are happy to help you!

Guided tour for people with a visual impairment

Guided tour for people with a visual impairment

Rembrandt, Vermeer and Frans Hals: the Rijksmuseum is the place to see and learn about these masters.

Guided Tour in International Sign

Guided Tour in International Sign

Rembrandt, Avercamp, Vermeer and Frans Hals. What makes these artists and their contemporaries so important?

Donate to Accessibility

Your donations helps to make the Rijksmuseum more accessible for various groups
