Guided Tour in International Sign

Rembrandt, Vermeer and Frans Hals: the Rijksmuseum is the place to see and learn about these masters.

rondleiding The Milkmaid, Johannes Vermeer, c. 1660From portraits to landscapes, in the 17th century there was a unprecedented number of paintings made in the Netherlands. Rembrandt, Avercamp, Vermeer and Frans Hals. What makes these artists and their contemporaries so important?

Please note

Book an entrance ticket with a start time first. A booking for a guided tour does not give you access to the museum.

Visitors who are unable to move around the museum independently may bring a companion to assist them. The companion may enter the museum free of charge but must obtain a free timed admission ticket online. Please choose ‘I already have a ticket’.

Book a start time


Every Saturday:

  • 9.30-11
  • 11-12.30
  • 12.30-14
  • 14-15.30

    The tour takes 1,5 hours.

Guided tours should be booked at least 7 days in advance.

Price and book

€ 30,- per tour

  • max. 6 people
  • excl. admission fee

Book a guided tour

The tour can be offered to this reduced price thanks to the support of the Bas ten Haaf Fonds / Rijksmuseum Fonds en Stichting Thurkowfonds.

For whom

People who are deaf and understand International Sign

Please note that this tour is not meant for school groups. Schools are welcome to book these programmes.


The tour starts at the Information Desk in the museum. Please be there 5 minutes in advance.