Overview of Funds and Foundations

The following is an exhaustive alphabetical list of all the funds and foundations that provide funding to the Rijksmuseum.

Adessium Foundation

Provided funding for the educational family guide for the 17th century.

American Express Foundation

Provided funding for Operation Night Watch and the restoration of the Breda Wall in the Philips Wing.

Ammodo Foundation

Will be supporting the Rijksmuseum in the coming years in the realisation of four major exhibitions with works loaned from international collections, including the 2019 exhibition Rembrandt – Velázquez. Ammodo previously provided funding for the following exhibitions: Late Rembrandt (2014) and Hercules Segers (2016).

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Annually facilitates year-long post-doctoral fellowships with a focus on diversity in Dutch art history. Also supports the Netherlands Institute for Conservation, Art and Science (NICAS).

Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne

Provided funding for two sculpture exhibitions in the Rijksmuseum Gardens: Eduardo Chillida (2018) and Louise Bourgeois (2019).

Bank of America

Provided funding for the restoration of, and publication on, the collector's cabinet.

BankGiro Lottery

Provides regular funding for acquisitions and support special projects such as RijksStudio, Music in the Rijks, the Rijksmuseum Bus and the annual sculpture exhibition in the Rijksmuseum Gardens. In 2019 the BankGiro Lottery provided additional funding for The Year of Rembrandt. It also provided funding for various acquisitions including the photograph and video collection of Erwin Olaf (2018), Bacchant by Adriaen de Vries (2014) and Still Life of Flowers and Alabaster Vase by Van Spaendonck (2018).

Beau Lieu et Beaux Arts Stichting

Provided funding for the acquisition of an album of drawings by Van Vianen and Lutma.

Blockbuster Fund

Provided funding for three exhibitions: All the Rembrandts (2019), High Society (2016) and Late Rembrandt (2015)

Cornelis Kruseman - J.M.C. Ising Stichting

Provided funding for the restoration of Piety, the painting by Cornelis Kruseman.

Daendels Stichting

Provided funding for the restoration of the portrait of Leonard van der Voort.


Provided funding for the translation of six volumes of the Rijksmuseum’s Country Series, on Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, South Africa and India.

Dutch Research Council (NWO)

Provided funding for various scientific projects including the Science4Arts research programme Climate Effects on Decorated Wooden Panels, and at the Netherlands Institute for Conservation, Art and Science (NICAS).

Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds Stichting

Provided funding for various acquisitions, the multimedia tour for the exhibition Good Hope, and various restorations.

Elise Mathilde Fonds Stichting

Contributor to the restoration of Woman at a mirror by Gerard ter Borch.

Fonds 21

Main sponsor of Teekenschool. Also provided funding for various acquisitions and exhibitions.

Getty Foundation

Provided funding for the Getty Paper Project and the development of the Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century in the Rijksmuseum catalogue.

Gieskes-Strijbis Fund

Supports young scientists who contribute to research in the area of photography and glass disease. Also provided funding for the 2015 exhibition Late Rembrandt and restorations preparatory to the reopening of the Rijksmuseum in 2013.

Isaac Alfred Ailion Foundation

Provided funding for the Japanese translation of A Narrow Bridge, part of the Country Series.

Jaffé-Pierson Stichting

Provided funding for several acquisitions, including that of the 17th-century lacquered chest from the collection of Cardinal Mazarin. This organisation has been dissolved.

Janivo Stichting

Provided funding for the Document Nederland Junior exhibition (2018-2020).

K.F. Hein Fonds

Provided funding for various acquisitions including the album of drawings by Van Vianen and Lutma, as well as Ishizaki Yushi’s 1817 portrait of the Cock Blomhoff family.

National Library of the Netherlands and the National Archives of the Netherlands

Provided funding, through the Metamorfoze programme, for the digitisation and conservation of sketch books and journals.

Royal Society of Asian Art in the Netherlands (KVVAK)

Funded the acquisition of Silver Pheasants under Spring Blossoms, the Chinese hanging scroll by Ye Shuangshi (c. 1500). The KVVAK collection is on permanent loan to the Rijksmuseum.

Hollands Porselein Stichting

Provided funding for various acquisitions, including two Loosdrecht porcelain portrait busts, of Maarten Tromp and Michiel de Ruyter (2013), and a plaque depicting the battle between the Amazons and the Greeks, after Rubens (2000).

Maatschappij tot nut van ’t Algemeen Stichting

Provided funding for the restoration of the Petronella Dunois’ doll's house from 1676.

M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting

Provided funding for various projects including the KWAB exhibition, and various acquisitions including that of a group of five Chinese objects from the collection of A.E. van Braam Houckgeest.

Michiel de Ruyter Stichting

Provided funding for the restoration of Michiel de Ruyter and his family by Juriaen Jacobsz.

Mondriaan Fund

Provided funding for acquisitions including Dutch Girl at Breakfast by Jean-Etienne Liotard and for exhibitions including 80 Years’ War (2018), Good Hope (2017) and Document Nederland (2014 and 2015).

Otto B. de Kat Stichting

Provided funding for the exhibition on the art dealer M.L. de Boer.

PACCAR Foundation

Provided funding for the acquisition of equipment for Operation Night Watch and the Atelier Building, the Rijksmuseum’s centre for restoration.

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Provided funding for various projects including the books Everyone a Photographer by Mattie Boom (2019) and Kakiemon (2000); for acquisitions including Bacchant by Adriaen de Vries (2014); and for the current design of the Auditorium.

Prins Willem de Eerste Herinneringsstichting

Provided funding for the acquisition of the bust of Prince William of Orange by Hendrik de Keyser I.

Pruikenburg Fonds

Provided funding for research into paintings of interiors.

Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Funded the research conducted by Erma Hermens into technical art history and provided funding for the 2017 Summer School and the digitisation of the Rijksmuseum’s historical photograph collection.

Terra Foundation for American Art

Provided funding for the exhibition of Alexander Calder sculptures in the Rijksmuseum Garden (2014).

The Easton Foundation

Provided funding for the exhibition of Louise Bourgeois sculptures in the Rijksmuseum Gardens (2019).

Thurkow Fonds Stichting

Provided funding for Operation Night Watch, the development of a multimedia tour on model ships in the Rijksmuseum collection, and the acquisition of a Chaplet vase.

Tiffany & Co. Foundation

Provides multi-annual funding for conservation and research of the Rijksmuseum’s jewellery collection.


Provided funding for the 2018 Document Nederland photography exhibition, for which Anouk Steketee focused on the theme of statelessness.

Rembrandt Association

Provided funding for various acquisitions, including Dutch Woman at Breakfast by Jean-Etienne Liotard (2016), Bacchant by Adriaen de Vries (2014), Landscape with an Episode from the Conquest of America by Jan Jansz Mostaert (2013), and a 17th-century Japanese lacquered chest from the collection of Cardinal Mazarin (2013).

Turing Foundation Stichting

Provided funding for the acquisition of The Breach of the Saint Anthony’s Dike near Amsterdam by Jan Asselijn, the creation of the Museumplein Bus and the development of the Hercules Segers exhibition (2016).


Provided funding for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 editions of History Night (Nacht van de Geschiedenis) at the Rijksmuseum.


Provided funding for various acquisitions including Dutch Woman at Breakfast by Jean-Etienne Liotard (2016), and for projects that improve public outreach, such as the Good Hope exhibition and multimedia tour.

Zabawas Stichting

Provided funding for the Operation Night Watch research team, educational activities and the multimedia tour for two exhibitions: Late Rembrandt and Frans Post.

Please note that the Dutch term Stichting denotes a legal entity that is unique to the Netherlands and is used by many funds and foundations. For the purposes of this English-language alphabetical list, in several cases this term has been placed at the end of the organisation’s name, rather than the start.