Go your own way

Planning to explore the museum together? Do you want to go off the beaten track, or would you prefer to follow one of the museum’s routes? Digital or old school, it’s up to you. Check out the options below, then go your own way.

Always book a start time

Start time

Rijksmuseum route map

Pick up a free copy of the Rijksmuseum route map at the Information desk . Choose from four different routes. Are you an animal lover? Or do you prefer surprises? On the back you’ll find fun challenges that’ll help you see things you’ve never noticed before.

You can also use the Rijksmuseum App on your phone to follow the same routes. Just follow these four steps:

  1. Open one of these links on your phone. You will then go to Rijksstudio to the collection.

  2. Scroll down throught the collection and click on the button "View this route".

  3. On the next screen click on "Open this route in the app".
  4. And then with one last click on "Start tour" the app will guide you to the first stop in the museum.

The physical routes are available free of charge at the Information desk

Family guides

Take along a family guide and in 45 minutes you’ll learn lots about the 17th century, through conversations, stories and games. This special family guide is a fun and attractive activity book.

  • Age: 8 and above
  • Available free of charge at the information desk

Important reminder!

We’ve introduced some new ways of doing things here at the Rijksmuseum – like fewer visitors at any one time, for example, and extra hygiene measures. To visit the museum you’ll need to book a start time in advance. A booking for one of the activities doesn’t grant admission to the museum.