5 to 11 October: Take a dive into history

Explore the history of bygone days through exciting stories and beautiful drawings.

Always book a start time

Start time

10, 11, 17 and 18 October: Put on your hats and ruffs!

Make a self-portrait in 17th-century style, wearing a hat and ruff – just like in the famous paintings of Marten and Oopjen. Go to the museum’s Picnic Room and get started! With pencils and paper you can make the most beautiful creations.

Pay close attention when booking this program. It is only offered during the days mentioned above. On the other days there is a different theme.

10 to 18 October Life drawing with Oopjen

Oopjen is all dressed up in her finest clothes for you to make a portrait of her. Just head for one of the easels in the museum’s Great Hall.

Pay close attention when booking this program. It is only offered during the days mentioned above. On the other days there is a different theme.

Important reminder!

We’ve introduced some new ways of doing things here at the Rijksmuseum – like fewer visitors at any one time, for example, and extra hygiene measures. To visit the museum you’ll need to book a start time in advance. A booking for one of the activities doesn’t grant admission to the museum.