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Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, 1596 - 1610

Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, 1596 - 1610

brush, h 202mm × w 177mm More details

While in Prague, De Boodt could study living animals from distant lands in Rudolf II’s menagerie (zoo). He also had access to preserved specimens in the emperor’s Kunstkammer (Cabinet of Curiosities). Additionally, he relied on existing images to depict certain creatures. In the case of this snow bunting, De Boodt could simply observe it in the wild. Although the songbird breeds in the far northern regions of the world, it migrates south during the winter, including areas near Prague.

This work belongs to Album met vogels (RP-T-BR-2017-1-4)