? Probate inventory, Jan Miense Molenaer, Haarlem, 10 October 1668, in the vestibule (‘Een luijtslager van sijn huijsvrou’);{NHA, notary W. van Kittensteyn; A. Bredius, _Künstler-Inventare_, I, The Hague 1915, p. 3, no. 12; GPI, N-5314.}...; collection Pieter van Winter (1745-1807), Amsterdam, as Frans Hals;{Six Archives, Amsterdam, V-F-II V 2, _Tauxatie van het kabinet schilderyen nagelaten door wylen den weledlen heer P. van Winter Nsz._, 31 January 1815; see R. Priem, ‘The ‘Most Excellent Collection’ of Lucretia Johanna van Winter: The Years 1809-22, with a Catalogue of the Works Purchased’, _Simiolus_ 25 (1997), pp. 103-235, esp. p. 219, no. 67.} his daughter, Lucretia Johanna van Winter (1785-1845), Amsterdam;{Six Archives, Amsterdam, VIII-F-3 I D, _Verdeeling schilderyen tusschen Lucr.a Joh.a v.Winter en haar zuster A L A. van Winter 20 Dec. 1815 getr. met Willem van Loon_, fl. 85; see R. Priem, ‘The ‘Most Excellent Collection’ of Lucretia Johanna van Winter: The Years 1809-22, with a Catalogue of the Works Purchased’, _Simiolus_ 25 (1997), pp. 103-235, esp. p. 219, no. 67.} her husband, Jonkheer Hendrik Six (1790-1847), Lord of Hillegom, Amsterdam, as Frans Hals; his sons, Jonkheer Jan Pieter Six (1824-1899), Lord of Hillegom, and Jonkheer Pieter Hendrik Six (1827-1905), Lord of Vromade; from whose heirs, with 38 other paintings, fl. 751,400, to the museum, with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, 1908
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