Rijksextra Night: 4000 years of Asian Art

During this one-of-a-kind, exclusive Rijksextra get-together we explore a few of many different facets of the powerful aesthetics and philosophical richness the Asian collection has added to the Rijksmuseum.

The Asian Pavilion was designed by the architects Cruz and Ortiz. Constructed from Portuguese sandstone and glass, the building is surrounded by water and characterized by a wealth of diagonal planes and unusual perspectives. Inside, it houses a rich collection of Asian art brought together from China, Japan, Indonesia, India, Vietnam and Thailand and dating from the period between 2000 BC and 2000 AC.

Prepare for an inspiring, thought-provoking and energizing night out, hearing the stories of our Asian Art curators, meeting a remarkable Japanese No-mask artist and following the movements of an art historian who also happens to be a yoga teacher. They will guide you through an unforgettable spiritual journey in the Pavilion.


Donderdag 26 maart

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Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


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