

head of a Makara

anonymous, c. 1600 - c. 1700

Candlestick: knight with a Dragon

anonymous, c. 1175 - c. 1225

On display in room 0.2

Twee draken

Utagawa Yoshitsuya, 1843 - 1847

Saint George and the Dragon

Luca Signorelli, 1495 - 1505

Deathbed of the Rich Man, with a…

anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1574

Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos

Carlo Maratta, c. 1680 - c. 1720

Goudleer, vel, van zogenaamd…

anonymous, c. 1740 - c. 1760

Aartsengel Michaël verslaat de…

Jacob de Wit, 1720

De Heilige Joris te paard naast de…

Albrecht Dürer, 1508

Aartsengel Michaël doodt Satan en…

Lucas Cranach (I), 1506


anonymous, c. 1127 - c. 1279

Candlestick: knight with dragon

anonymous, c. 1200 - c. 1250

On display in room 0.2

Tile panel with a Chinese landscape

anonymous, c. 1700

Awabi duikster

anonymous, 1796

Crozier head

anonymous, c. 1375 - c. 1400

On display in room 0.2

Schelpvormige schaal met draak, uit…

Charles Thurston Thompson, 1866 - 1890

Ornamental shield made from an…

anonymous, c. 975 - c. 1050

On display in room 0.1

Haarkam van galalith met half ronde…

anonymous, c. 1925 - c. 1930

Cruet set

De Drie Posteleyne Astonne, c. 1720 - c. 1735

Hand guard

anonymous, 1600 - 1699

Rapier of Michiel de Ruyter

anonymous, c. 1675

On display in room 0.12

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