Rijksmuseum Studies in History

The support of the Johan Huizinga Fonds/Rijksmuseum Fonds enables young scientists to conduct historical research into the Rijksmuseum’s collections and to publish their findings in the Rijksmuseum Studies in History series.

Virtual presentation: Waiting for the Witch Doctor

Join us live on Thursday September 17th at 4.00pm CEST, for an interactive online interview with author and former Rijksmuseum Fellow Janna Schoenberger.

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Waiting for the Witch Doctor | Robert Jasper Grootveld


Amsterdam-based counterculture protagonist Robert Jasper Grootveld (1932–2009) was a prophetic artist who addressed politically and socially charged issues related to consumerism, race and gender. Grootveld is known for his role in the happenings near the sculpture Het Lieverdje on the Amsterdam Spui. But he is also the missing link among the sea of canonical figures of the time, from Provo anarchists Roel van Duijn and Luud Schimmelpennink to cabaret performer Wim Sonneveld, painter Constant Nieuwenhuys and writer Simon Vinkenoog, to name but a few.

Made possible by the Johan Huizinga Fund

Rijksmuseum Studies in History Vol. 2
English edition / € 15 / paperback / 104 pages / full colour

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