The Rijksmuseum Bulletin

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin is the English language academic journal of the Rijksmuseum, published quarterly.

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 2020/3


Jan de Hond, Amélie Couvrat-Desvergnes, Leila Sauvage, Forough Sajadi and Paolo d’Imporzano
An Iranian Youth in an Album from Zwolle

Erik Odegard
Re-examining the Rijksmuseum’s Oldest Ship Model: A 44-Gun Directorate Ship?

Esther van Duijn
Head and Hands: Arthur van Schendel and Henricus Mertens, and Their Role in the Development of the Rijksmuseum’s Paintings Restoration Studio 1930-70

Marion Anker, Reinier Baarsen, Dirk Jan Biemond, Sander Bink, Jeroen ter Brugge, Ludo van Halem, Jenny Reynaerts, Pieter Roelofs, Frits Scholten, Amir Sidharta and Eveline Sint Nicolaas
Acquisitions: Fine and Applied Arts, and History

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin abstracts (pdf)

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About The Rijksmuseum Bulletin

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal presenting scholarly articles that contribute to historical and art-historical research into the Rijksmuseum collections to an international audience of curators, scholars, students, art professionals and enthusiasts.

Scientific research into objects and works of art by museum experts is often published in The Rijksmuseum Bulletin. However, authors from outside the museum are very welcome to contribute.

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin is published by the Rijksmuseum Publications Department.

Editorial Board: dr Rachel Esner (University of Amsterdam), Cornelia Homburg (independent), Danielle Kisluk-Grosheide (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), prof dr Susan Legene (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), prof dr Karin Leonhard (University of Konstanz), prof dr Volker Manuth (Radboud University, Nijmegen), dr Nadine Orenstein (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), prof dr Maarten Prak (Utrecht University), Niek van Sas (University of Amsterdam), Saskia Scheltjens (Rijksmuseum)

Editors: Ludo van Halem, Erma Hermens, Erik Hinterding en Maria Holtrop

Associate and managing editor: Anne-Maria van Egmond

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin in scientific databases

The Rijksmuseum Bulletin is available in JSTOR (Arts & Sciences VIII Collection) from vol. 1 (1953) and indexed in Web of Science (Social Sciences / Arts and Humanities Citation Index) from vol. 59 (2011), in Scopus (Social Sciences / Arts and Humanities Index) from vol. 57 (2009) and in ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences) from vol. 1 (1953). For more information, please visit,, and

Editorial office

Anne-Maria van Egmond
Rijksmuseum Publications Department
PO Box 74888
1070 DN Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Abonnementenland / The Rijksmuseum Bulletin
1920 AA Uitgeest
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 90 0226 5263

Volume 69, 2021 (4 issues)

Netherlands €55 – Europe €60 – World €65. Subscriptions are automatically renewed, unless cancelled before 31 December. Students may apply for a discount of €15 on the appropriate subscription fee by providing a copy of a valid student card in their name. Student subscriptions are renewed automatically only twice, unless cancelled before 31 December. The current issue can be purchased from the Rijksmuseum webshop. For back issues and single issue purchases (€30 subject to availability) please contact


Manuscripts may be submitted for publication with or without invitation from the editors. Please read the instructions for authors.