Willem Diepraam. 50 Years of Photography

June 30 2020 - 9:30 AM Exhibition 9 October 2020 - 10 January 2021

The Rijksmuseum is to stage a survey exhibition of the work of Dutch photographer Willem Diepraam (b. 1944), whose influence on photography in the Netherlands has been huge. He was a ground-breaking photojournalist in the 1970s, and went on to further the development of photography as an art form. Diepraam transferred his photographic work to the Rijksmuseum in 2009. This survey exhibition starting on 9 October 2020 will present the photographer’s early and later work in the Rijksmuseum for the first time.

Committed photojournalist

Towards the end of the 1960s, and while still a sociology student with a deep interest in photography, Willem Diepraam became a photojournalist with a deep commitment to social issues. By the 1970s he was one of the most famous photographers in the Netherlands, and one who took a critical perspective on society. Throughout this period, Diepraam operated within the country’s left-wing media circles. His biggest client was the left-wing magazine Vrij Nederland, for which he travelled the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Dutch Antilles, as well as many other destinations. In the 1980s the aid organisations Oxfam and Médecins Sans Frontières commissioned Diepraam for photojournalistic projects in multiple African and South American countries.

Personal approach

By the 1970s, Diepraam’s socio-critical stance was making way for a more personal approach. His work became more nuanced and aesthetic, and ultimately grew into a full-fledged artistic practice. Diepraam is a master of analogue photography, and his expertise as a printer of his own work is sublime.

Best work

The exhibition Willem Diepraam. 50 Years of Photography presents highlights of the photographer’s oeuvre, including images from the 1970s of a now all-but unrecognisable Netherlands, as well as examples of his international photojournalistic work. This presentation also includes Diepraam’s later almost abstract black-and-white and colour work, as well as well-known images of the unrest in Amsterdam on coronation day in 1980, the ‘woman of Sahel’, industrial landscapes from the Landschap aan Zee (‘Landscape along the sea’ ) series and Lima. He maintains a physical distance from his subjects, but never an emotional one .


The book published to accompany the exhibition comprises a selection by Willem Diepraam himself of cherished work from the past 50 years.

The exhibition is on view from 9 October 2020 to 10 January 2021.


Burkina Faso, Young Woman, Willem Diepraam, 1980, on loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Schilderswijk, Willem Diepraam, 1972, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Paramaribo, Jodenbreestraat 1975, Willem Diepraam, 1975 - 1979, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Villa El Salvador, Lima, 1988, Willem Diepraam, 1988, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Naakt, Willem Diepraam, 1974 - 1986, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Zeegezicht, Willem Diepraam, ca. 2000 - ca. 2019, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Santa Rosa, Curaçao, Willem Diepraam, 1977, On loan from W. Diepraam, Amsterdam
Willem Diepraam, photo: Shamanee Kempadoo

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