Copyright - FAQ

What is copyright?

Objects are covered by copyright for seventy years following the death of their creators. The Rijksmuseum only includes images of objects on its website whose copyright has expired or when permission has been secured from the copyright holder(s).

Which images are displayed on this site?

The Rijksmuseum complies with copyright guidelines. Objects that are subject to copyright may or may not be displayed on the site, depending on whether permission has been secured from the copyright holder. In those cases where no image is displayed, a description of the object in question is included on the site.

Can I order images of objects that are subject to copyright?

Yes, you can order images once the copyright holder has given permission. You must secure this permission from the copyright holder yourself. The Rijksmuseum does not mediate in these affairs.

If you wish to order images of objects from the Rijksmuseum’s collection, please fill out the form on the Photoservice page.