Visiting the Rijksmuseum - Frequently Asked Questions

Visitor information

  • When is the museum open?

    Information on opening hours can be found on the opening hours and prices page.

  • Can I buy a ticket at the museum?

    The ticket desks in the museum are closed. Tickets can be bought online via this link.

  • Are there any special facilities for

    Disabled visitors:
    The Rijksmuseum is accessible to visitors with disabilities. It has lifts; all museum galleries are wheelchair accessible. Electronic wheelchairs are permitted. The museum also has a limited number of wheelchairs available for use. You can enquire about these at the ticket office or information desk. The museum is accessible for wheelchairs, electric (Segway) wheelchairs, rollators, and other small-scale wheeled mobility aids. Walking sticks, walking frames and crutches are only allowed if they are not pointed. Please note that mobility scooters are not permitted inside the museum.
    Blind and visually impaired visitors:
    Guide dogs and walking canes are permitted in the museum.

NB: People who are unable to independently navigate through the museum may bring one companion with them for free. You can pick up an entrance ticket for a companion at cash register 1. More information about accessibility.

  • Pushchairs/backpack carriers

    Pushchairs are permitted in the museum; backpack carriers are not; you can take these to the cloakroom. We have a limited number of pushchairs available for your convenience.

  • Does the museum have a cloakroom/lockers (where can I leave my bags)?

    There is a free, supervised cloakroom where you can leave your bag, umbrella, daypack or school backpack. Small handbags (no larger than an A4 paper size) are permitted inside the museum. Unfortunately, we do not have the facilities for travel luggage, folding bikes, musical instruments, skateboards etc. We have a separate cloakroom for groups and school groups; enquire at the information desk.

At the Museum Square there is a Lockerpoint where you can store your bigger luggage safely. Click here for more information.

  • I have lost something at the museum. Who can I contact?

    Find your lost item at iLost.

  • Can I take photos in the museum?

    You are only permitted to take photos without a flash and videos without the use of lights. You are not permitted to take photographs or record video or film that requires the use of lights, flashbulbs and/or tripods (incl. selfie sticks) without prior written permission from the Rijksmuseum Board of Directors. Click here for more information

  • Does the museum have Wi-Fi?

    The Rijksmuseum offers free Wi-Fi.

Ticket sales

  • How long are admission tickets valid?

    Tickets bought online are valid for the day stated on the ticket.

  • Can I exchange a ticket/return it for a refund?

    It is not possible to exchange tickets or return them for a refund.

  • When purchasing tickets online, can I use these tickets any day?

    When buying a ticket online you will have to choose a date and start time for your visit. The ticket is only valid for this day.

Group visits

  • Are groups allowed in the museum?

    At the moment groups are not allowed. Please check this page for the latest info.

  • I don’t have a credit or debit card, so I’m unable to purchase e-tickets online in advance. Can I still make a reservation for my group?

    No. You can only pay for an online order with a credit card or iDEAL. We do not send out invoices for these.

Tourist industry

  • What if I need to report that my group has been delayed at the last minute?

    If your group is delayed at the last minute (i.e. will be more than 15 minutes late for the reservation time), then your group reservation expires and you might have to wait near the entrance until there is enough room in the museum. You can contact the museum’s information desk by telephone to report the delay:+31 (0)20 6747 222.

  • Can I, as a hotel/tour boat operator, purchase a packet of tickets for the Rijksmuseum?

    Yes, you can. Starting in May, you can purchase the desired number of bulk tickets from the Rijksmuseum ticket office on Monday afternoons, between 16:00 and 17:00. These tickets are not tied to any specific date or time. The expiry date is indicated on the ticket.

  • Is there a commission arrangement for tour operators?

    No, there is no commission arrangement. We do, however, offer tourist groups of over 15 people and bulk purchases a reduced ticket price.

  • Can I be invoiced for payment in advance or afterwards?

    No. You cannot pay for your visit by invoice. Group bookings and e-tickets must be paid for online at the time of booking.