Master of the Magdalen Legend

Two wings of a triptych with the donor, Thomas Isaacq (?-1539/40), accompanied by St Thomas (outer left wing), and the donor’s wife accompanied by St Margaret (outer right wing)

c. 1505 - c. 1510


fig. a Master of the Magdalen Legend, centre panel of a triptych with The Virgin and Child at a Window Crowned by Angels, c. 1505-10. Oil on panel, 87 x 66.5 cm. Present whereabouts unknown (© Stichting RKD)

fig. a Master of the Magdalen Legend, centre panel of a triptych with The Virgin and Child at a Window Crowned by Angels, c. 1505-10. Oil on panel, 87 x 66.5 cm. Present whereabouts unknown (© Stichting RKD)
