The Trading Post of the Dutch East India Company in Hooghly, Bengal, Hendrik van Schuylenburgh, 1665

The Trading Post of the Dutch East India Company in Hooghly, Bengal, Hendrik van Schuylenburgh, 1665

oil on canvas, h 203cm × w 313cm Catalogue entry

There is much activity in and around the fort at the trading post in Hougly, Bengal (northeast India): ships of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) sail along the Ganges River, the director visits an Indian ruler and enslaved people are at work. In the 17th century Bengal was one of the places where the VOC and its employees bought the most people. They transported them to other VOC trading posts around the Indian ocean.

On display in room 2.9 Visit via the Colonial Past tour

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)


Catalogue entry