Colonial Past

Dutch colonial history: trade, exploitation, cultural exchange, slavery

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Colonial Past in the museum

  1. Georg Sturm, Self sacrifice, 1885. Look up!

    1. Georg Sturm, Self sacrifice, 1885. Look up!

    the Great Hall


  2. Pieter Claesz, Still Life, 1627

    2. Pieter Claesz, Still Life, 1627

    the Gallery of Honour


  3. Johannes Vinckboons, Banda Neyra, ca. 1662-1663 (Hint: look up)

    3. Johannes Vinckboons, Banda Neyra, ca. 1662-1663 (Hint: look up)

    gallery 2.9


  4. Andries Beeckman, The Castle of Batavia, c. 1662

    4. Andries Beeckman, The Castle of Batavia, c. 1662

    gallery 2.9


  5. H. van Schuylenburgh, Hooghly trading post, 1665

    5. H. van Schuylenburgh, Hooghly trading post, 1665

    gallery 2.9


  6. England, Crown of Ardra, ca. 1664

    6. England, Crown of Ardra, ca. 1664

    gallery 2.9


  7. Frans Post, View of Olinda, 1662

    7. Frans Post, View of Olinda, 1662

    MMT 425


  8. Legcuffs, Curaçao, c. 1700-1900

    8. Legcuffs, Curaçao, c. 1700-1900

    gallery 1.10


  9. Dirk Valkenburg, Plantation in Suriname, 1707

    9. Dirk Valkenburg, Plantation in Suriname, 1707

    gallery 1.5


  10. Frans van der Mijn, Jan Pranger, 1742

    10. Frans van der Mijn, Jan Pranger, 1742

    gallery 1.5


  11. Jean Saint, Box WIC, 1749

    11. Jean Saint, Box WIC, 1749

    gallery 1.2


  12. White Oliphant, 1755

    12. White Oliphant, 1755

    gallery 0.13


  13. Kappa (cauldron), 1800-1850

    13. Kappa (cauldron), 1800-1850

    gallery 1.17


  14. Abraham Salm, The Kemanglen Sugar Factory, 1870-1875

    14. Abraham Salm, The Kemanglen Sugar Factory, 1870-1875

    gallery 1.17


  15. Nicolaas Pieneman, Diepo Negoro, c. 1830-1835

    15. Nicolaas Pieneman, Diepo Negoro, c. 1830-1835

    gallery 1.17


  16. Isaac Israëls, KNIL Soldier, 1882

    16. Isaac Israëls, KNIL Soldier, 1882

    gallery 1.17


  17. Japan, Model of Deshima, 1850-1851

    17. Japan, Model of Deshima, 1850-1851

    gallery 1.17


  18. Gerrit Schouten, Diorama of a dance party, 1830

    18. Gerrit Schouten, Diorama of a dance party, 1830

    gallery 1.17


  19. Marinus Hack, Man and Machine, c. 1913

    19. Marinus Hack, Man and Machine, c. 1913

    gallery 3.1
