**For both the present painting (SK-A-3516) and its pendant (SK-A-3517)**
? Commissioned by or for the sitters; ? probate inventory, their son, Joannes Lutma (1624-1689), Amsterdam, 30 November 1689, in the vestibule (‘twee conterfyetsels van des overledens vader en moeder’);{SA, NA 4567, notary J. Backer, p. 237; published in A. Bredius, ‘De nalatenschap van Joannes Lutma (den Jongen)’, _Oud-Holland_ 30 (1912), pp. 219-22, esp. p. 221.}…; ? collection Abraham Calraet, Dordrecht, 1729;{K. Bauch, _Jacob Adriaensz Backer, ein Rembrandtschüler aus Friesland_, Berlin 1926, p. 90.} or, probate inventory, Elisabeth Franken, widow of Mattheus van den Brouck(e), Dordrecht, 3 November 1729 (‘2 ovale pourtretten van Bakker’);{Bredius notes, RKD.}…; sale, Pieter de la Court van der Voort (1722-1775, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (P. Slagregen and P. Yver), 26 August 1772, no. 173 (‘Twee stuks, verbeeldende de vermaarde Zilverdryver, van Vianen, en deszelfs Huisvrouw, in Ovaalen, op Paneel geschilderd, door A.B. ieder is hoog 36, breed 29 duim [92.5 x 74.5 cm].’), fl. 34,{Copy FLNY.} to the dealer Jan Yver, for Johan van der Marck Aegidiusz (c. 1694-1770), Leiden;{Copy BNP. According to Van der Marck’s notes in his copy of the sale catalogue the portraits were executed by ‘Adriaan Backer’. See also K. Bauch, _Jacob Adriaensz Backer, ein Rembrandtschüler aus Friesland_, Berlin 1926, p. 90, no. 151.} his sale, Amsterdam (H. de Winter and J. Yver), 25 August 1773, nos. 470, 471, as Adriaen Backer (‘Vianen (A. van) Konstig Zilver Dryver. 470 Dezen kunstenaar is verbeeld met een Hamer in zyn linkerhand, en by zich een zilver gedreeven Schaal, in ovaal formaat, door Adriaan Bakker. […] op Paneel, ovaal format, h. 35½ b 28 duim [91.2 x 72 cm]. 471 De huisvrouw van den voorgenoemden. […] een wedergade van het voorgaande)’, fl. 30, to J. Yver;{Copy RMA.}…; collection Stanisław II August Poniatowski (1732-1798), King of Poland, Royal Castle, Warsaw, 1795, as Flemish School (‘Portrait oval a mi corps d’un orfevre vetu de noir, tenant un marteau dans la main gauche 37 x 27 [91.8 x 67 cm], 60 [ducats]’ and ‘Portrait d’une vielle femme à mis corps vetu de noir un mouchoir blanc sur la gorge et les mains croisées sur la poitrine’, 37 x 27 [91.8 x 67 cm], 50 [ducats]’);{_Catalogue des tableaux du Roi_ (1795), nos. 213-14; transcribed in T. Mańkowski et al., _Galeria Stanisława Augusta_, I, Lwów 1932, p. 234.} his son, Prince Joseph Poniatowski (1763-1813), Warsaw;{T. Mańkowski et al., _Galeria Stanisława Augusta_, I, Lwów 1932, p. 498.} transferred from the Royal Castle, Warsaw, to the Court Library, Vienna, 6 April 1810;{T. Mańkowski et al., _Galeria Stanisława Augusta_, I, Lwów 1932, p. 235.} from Prince Joseph Poniatowski, 86 ducats, to Count Józef Maksymilian Ossoliński (1748-1829), Vienna, 18 June 1810;{T. Mańkowski et al., _Galeria Stanisława Augusta_, I, Lwów 1932, p. 235.}…; collection Count André Mniszech (1823-1905), Paris, 1895;{C. Hofstede de Groot, ‘Johannes Lutma van Groningen’, _Groningsche volksalmanak_ 59 (1895), pp. 100-09, esp. p. 101. The paintings are not mentioned in the catalogue for the sale, Countess André Mniszech, Paris (H. Baudoin, Hôtel Drouot), 10 May 1910.}…; sale, August de Ridder (1837-1911, Villa Schönberg, Kronberg im Taunus), Paris (Galerie Georges Petit), 2 June 1924, no. 1, fr. 82,000, no. 2, fr. 35,000;{Copy RMA.}…; collection Antonius Wilhelmus Mari Mensing (1866-1936), Amsterdam;{_Verslagen omtrent ’s Rijks verzamelingen van geschiedenis en kunst_ 1929 (annual report of the Rijksmuseum), p. 13.} from whom on loan to the museum, April 1925-April 1929 (inv. nos. SK-C-1159, SK-C-1160); ? from whom to a private collection, USA;{RMA Archive, folder P. Cassirer, letter from the museum to the Ministry of Education, Arts and Sciences, 24 November 1947.}…; collection Hans Ludwig Larsen (1892-1937, Wassenaar), 1936;{_Oude kunst uit Haagsch bezit_, exh. cat. The Hague (Gemeentemuseum) 1936-37, no. 28.} his sale, New York (Parke-Bennet Galleries), 6 November 1947, no. 34, $2,500, no. 35, $1,000, to the museum
Bibliography and list of abbreviations for the provenance (pdf)