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Natural History Ensemble (no. 3), Elias Verhulst (attributed to), Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt (possibly), after Jacob Hoefnagel, 1596 - 1610

Natural History Ensemble (no. 3), Elias Verhulst (attributed to), Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt (possibly), after Jacob Hoefnagel, 1596 - 1610

brush, h 152mm × w 231mm More details

The botanical drawings in the albums were in part made by other artists. For example, De Boodt commissioned 200 drawings from the Delft floral painter Elias Verhulst, who in turn copied some of his images from other artists. This sheet was probably made after a print by court artist Jacob Hoefnagel (1573-c. 1632). It is an attractive, colourful combination of flowers and critters, delicately rendered in watercolour.

This work belongs to Album met reptielen, amfibieën en natuurhistorische ensembles (RP-T-BR-2017-1-7)