Bloesemende boom bij tempel, Kawabata Gyokusho, 1880 - 1890 color woodcut, h 223mm × w 287mm More details
Identification Title(s) Bloesemende boom bij tempel Object type print Object number RP-P-1961-121 Catalogue reference Jap Cat V 109-13 Inscriptions / marks collector's mark: Lugt 2228 Description Octogonale prent in album met 39 prenten.
Material and Technique Material paper Technique color woodcut Measurements height 223 mm × width 287 mm
Subject What trees non-Christian religions (including institutions, customs and antiquities) landscapes (+ landscape with figures, staffage)
Acquisition and rights Credit line Gift of L.J. Boddaert, Delft Acquisition gift 1961 Copyright Public domain
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