Model of a Javanese Marketplace, anonymous, c. 1830 - c. 1860

Model of a Javanese Marketplace, anonymous, c. 1830 - c. 1860

wood (plant material), h c.49cm × w c.69cm × d c.22cm More details

Models like this one were intended as souvenirs for Europeans. They reflect a clear-cut, idealized view of colonial society that bore little relation to reality. The 154 figurines made of bread dough represent different population groupsgroups. Dancers, a gamelan orchestra and a dignitary and his entourage all mingling in the marketplace. The latter looks much like the painted court officials on view elsewhere in this gallery.

Visit via the Music tour

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)


This work belongs to Model of a Javanese Marketplace (NG-2009-134)