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Collector’s cabinet with miniature apothecary, anonymous, 1730

Collector’s cabinet with miniature apothecary, anonymous, 1730

oak and pine, veneered with olivewood and other woods, tortoiseshell, ivory, gilt brass and other materials, h 206.8cm × w 96.5cm × d 74cm More details

The cabinet houses many small pots and bottles containing simplicia, or medicinal ingredients. Several drawers are filled with minerals, fossils, wood samples, seeds and so forth. Many other drawers are empty. The cabinet may originally have contained a ‘universal collection’, which included small artefacts as well as products of nature, probably assembled by a cultivated and prosperous gentleman.

On display in room 1.1 Visit via the Highlights 1700-1800 tour

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)

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