Highlights 1700-1800

Age of regents, Rococo and Enlightenment

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Highlights 1700-1800 in the museum

  1. Cornelis Troost, Van der Mersch, 1736

    1. Cornelis Troost, Van der Mersch, 1736


  2. Collector’s cabinet, 1730

    2. Collector’s cabinet, 1730


  3. Jan Baptist Xavery, William IV, 1733

    3. Jan Baptist Xavery, William IV, 1733


  4. Jean Baptiste Vanmour, Audience Calkoen, 1727-30

    4. Jean Baptiste Vanmour, Audience Calkoen, 1727-30


  5. Johann Joachim Kändler, Blue Macaw, c. 1731

    5. Johann Joachim Kändler, Blue Macaw, c. 1731


  6. Governor-General Van Outhoorn, c. 1691-1704 (Hint: look up)

    6. Governor-General Van Outhoorn, c. 1691-1704 (Hint: look up)


  7. Abraham v.d. Hart, Haarlem reception room, 1794

    7. Abraham v.d. Hart, Haarlem reception room, 1794


  8. Abraham Roentgen, Desk, c. 1758-17600

    8. Abraham Roentgen, Desk, c. 1758-17600


  9. Etienne Maurice Falconet, Cupid, 1757

    9. Etienne Maurice Falconet, Cupid, 1757


  10. A. de Lelie, Gildemeester Art Gallery, 1794-1795

    10. A. de Lelie, Gildemeester Art Gallery, 1794-1795
