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Altarpiece with the Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saint Jerome and Saint Nicholas of Myra, Benedetto Buglioni, 1502

Altarpiece with the Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saint Jerome and Saint Nicholas of Myra, Benedetto Buglioni, 1502

maiolica, h 226cm × w 172cm More details

This altarpiece was made in the then modern Renaissance style. The form and motifs of the mouldings derive from Classical Roman architecture. The material was also modern: tin-glazed earthenware. The inscription translates as: ‘Sister Catherine, daughter of Tomaso di Salvestro, Nuccarello’s son, had this altarpiece made in the year 1502’. It comes from the church of Sant’Antonio Abate in Cortona (Italy).

On display in room 0.5 Visit via the Highlights 1100-1600 tour

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