Highlights 1100-1600

Art in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

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Highlights 1100-1600 in the museum

  1. Geertgen tot Sint-Jans, Holy Kinship, c. 1495

    1. Geertgen tot Sint-Jans, Holy Kinship, c. 1495

    gallery 0.1


  2. Master Joachim and Anna, Meeting, c. 1470

    2. Master Joachim and Anna, Meeting, c. 1470

    gallery 0.1


  3. Elias Scerpswert, Saint Frederick, 1362

    3. Elias Scerpswert, Saint Frederick, 1362

    gallery 0.1


  4. Adam Theodicri, Prayer nut, c. 1500-1525

    4. Adam Theodicri, Prayer nut, c. 1500-1525

    gallery 0.1


  5. Master of Alkmaar, Works of Mercy, 1504

    5. Master of Alkmaar, Works of Mercy, 1504

    gallery 0.4


  6. Jan Mostaert,  Conquest of America, c. 1521

    6. Jan Mostaert, Conquest of America, c. 1521

    gallery 0.4


  7. Cabinet militia company, c. 1520-1530

    7. Cabinet militia company, c. 1520-1530

    gallery 0.4


  8. Joachim Beuckelaer, Well-stocked kitchen, 1566

    8. Joachim Beuckelaer, Well-stocked kitchen, 1566

    gallery 0.6


  9. Benedetto Buglioni, Virgin and Child, 1502

    9. Benedetto Buglioni, Virgin and Child, 1502

    gallery 0.5


  10. Jan van Scorel, Mary Magdalene, c. 1530

    10. Jan van Scorel, Mary Magdalene, c. 1530

    gallery 0.6


  11. Lucas van Leyden, Golden Calf, c. 1530

    11. Lucas van Leyden, Golden Calf, c. 1530

    gallery 0.6
