Titelpagina voor: Le Miroir des plus belles courtisannes de ce temps / Spiegel der alderschoonste cortisanen deses tyts / Spieghel der allerschónsten Courtisannen diser Zeit / The mirour of the most faire, famous and moderne curtizanes of theese tymes, 1630, Crispijn van de Passe (I), 1635

Titelpagina voor: Le Miroir des plus belles courtisannes de ce temps / Spiegel der alderschoonste cortisanen deses tyts / Spieghel der allerschónsten Courtisannen diser Zeit / The mirour of the most faire, famous and moderne curtizanes of theese tymes, 1630, Crispijn van de Passe (I), 1635

letterpress printing, h 140mm × w c.192mm More details

This work belongs to The Mirour of the most faire, famous and moderne Curtizanes of theese tymes (BI-1946-662)