**For both the present painting (SK-A-993) and its pendant (SK-A-994)**
? Commissioned by or for the sitters; their son, Stephanus Blankaart (1650-1704), Amsterdam; ? his wife, Isabella de Carpentier (1644-1730), Amsterdam; ? her son, Willem Blankaart (1683-1748), Utrecht; ? his son, Steven Willem Blankaart (?-1800) Utrecht; ? his daughter, Sara Isabella Geertruid Blankaart (c. 1760-1844), Utrecht;…; sale, G. Munnicks van Cleeff et al., Utrecht (T. de Bruyn), 3 November 1862 _sqq_., nos. 5-6, fl. 7.75;…; Georgina Wilhelmina Harriet Elouise Balfour van Burleigh, née Cantzlaar (1850-1925), Zutphen; from whom, with SK-A-992, fl. 400, to the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, for the museum, 10 March 1885{NHA, ARS, IS, inv. 165, nos. 334 (3 March 1885), 335 (13 March 1885), 345 (1 April 1885), 348 (4 April 1885); NHA, ARS, Kop., inv. 289, p. 27, no. 85 (14 March 1885), p. 28, nos. 87 (18 March 1885), 88 (19 March 1885).}
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