**For both the present painting (SK-A-746) and its pendant (SK-A-747)**
…; ? sale, Ilpenstein Castle, Amsterdam (C.F. Roos et al.), 3 December 1872, nos. 38, 39 (‘Portrait of a Dutch admiral and his wife’), fl. 260, to Willem Anthonij Hopman;…; ? sale, dowager Van Loon, née Van Winter (Amsterdam), Druyvesteyn (Haarlem), Ed. Croese (Amsterdam) et al. [anonymous section], Amsterdam (C.F. Roos et al.), 26 February 1878, no. 49, as A. Mytens (‘Portrait of Admiral Simon de Beaumont and his wife’), fl. 300, to Willem Anthonij Hopman;…; ? collection J.H. Cremer, Ouchy;{NHA, ARM, IS, inv. 163, no. 111 (25 March 1882).}…; from Willem Anthonij Hopman, fl. 700, to the museum, 1882{NHA, ARM, Kop., inv. 39, pp. 314-15, no. 17 (18 April 1882).}
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