Inv; sale, Richard von Kaufmann (1849-1908, Berlin), Berlin (Cassirer & Helbing), 4 December 1917 sqq., no 60, 200,000;{Copy RKD.}…; collection K. Goldfarb, Starogard Gdański, by 1917, 1923;{Boschloo/Van der Sman 1993, pp.86-87; Von der Bercken/Mayer 1923, p. 62.}…; private collection, sent to the exhibition, Tentoonstelling van Oude Kunst, by the dealer P. Cassirer, Amsterdam, 1929;{Amsterdam 1929, p. 42, no. 146.}….; collection Dr Hans Wilhelm Christian Tietje (1895-?), Amsterdam, by 1932, 1938;{Boschloo/Van der Sman 1993, pp.86-87; Yeide 2009, p. 340.} from whom, fl. 100,000, to Daniël Wolf (1898-1943), 1938;{HNA, SNK archive, 2.08.42, inv. no. 176, note and ‘aangifte-formulier’.} from whom, fl. 120,000, with three other paintings, to Alois Miedl for Hermann Göring, 1941;{HNA, SNK archive, 2.08.42, inv. no. 176, note and ‘aangifte-formulier’.} war recuperation, SNK, 1945-46;{MCCP website, no. 5310; the Munich Central Collecting Point number 5310 is recorded on the reverse of the frame.} SNK, 29 April 1946; restituted to the Wolf heirs, The Hague, 1946; from whom, through the mediation of the dealer Saam Nijstad, fl. 50,000, to the museum, 1956, with support from the J.W. Edwin von Rath Fonds
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