Master of the St Elizabeth Panels

Inner Left Wing of an Altarpiece with the Wedding Feast of St Elizabeth and Louis of Thuringia in the Wartburg

c. 1490 - c. 1495


fig. a Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3147-B, showing the villages and the breaching of the dike near Wieldrecht (© Stichting RKD)

fig. b Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3147-B, showing the foreground figures with the landscape (© Stichting RKD)

fig. a Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3147-B, showing the villages and the breaching of the dike near Wieldrecht (© Stichting RKD)

fig. a Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3147-B, showing the villages and the breaching of the dike near Wieldrecht (© Stichting RKD)

fig. c Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3145, showing the spires and landscape (© Stichting RKD)

fig. d Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3145, showing the wedding feast (© Stichting RKD)

fig. e Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3146, showing Elizabeth tending the sick (© Stichting RKD)

fig. f Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-3146, showing Elizabeth’s burial (© Stichting RKD)

fig. g Anonymous, The St Elizabeth’s Day Flood, c. 1550/60. Oil on canvas. Dimensions and present whereabouts unknown (© Stichting RKD)
