...; sale, Jaques Meyers (?-1721), Rotterdam, sold on the deceased’s premises (auction house not known), 9 September 1722 _sqq_., no. 141 (‘Een dito [landsch:] met badende vrouwtjes, dito grote [h: 51/2d., b: 61/2d.] [14.4 x 16.9 cm]’), fl. 35, to Hendrik van Heteren (1672-1749), The Hague;{Jonckheere 2005, p. 291, nos. 140-41.} his collection;{Moes/Van Biema 1909, p. 192.} his son, Adriaan Leonard van Heteren (1724-1800), The Hague (‘Eenige Vrouwtjes die zig baden [...], h. 5 en een half d., br. 6 en drie vierde d. [14.4 x 17.7 cm] P.’);{Coll. cat. Van Heteren 1752, p. 458.} his third cousin and godson, Adriaan Leonard van Heteren Gevers (1794-1866), Rotterdam, ? (‘Représentant des hommes et des femmes occupés à se baigner’), or ? (‘Pendant. Même sujet’);{Coll. cat. Gevers 1808, p. 149, no. 83 or 84.} from whom, fl. 100,000, with 136 other paintings _en bloc_ (known as the ‘Kabinet van Heteren Gevers’), to the museum, by decree of Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, and through the mediation of his father Dirk Cornelis Gevers (1763-1839), 8 June 1809{Verroen 1985, p. 17, notes 2, 3.}
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