Master of the Spes Nostra

Four canons with Sts Augustine and Jerome by an open grave, with the Visitation

Northern Netherlands, ? Delft, c. 1500


fig. a Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the figure of Elizabeth in the middleground (© Stichting RKD)

fig. b Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the buildings in the background (© Stichting RKD)

fig. c Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the canon added on the right (© Stichting RKD)

fig. c Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the canon added on the right (© Stichting RKD)

fig. a Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the figure of Elizabeth in the middleground (© Stichting RKD)

fig. b Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the buildings in the background (© Stichting RKD)

fig. c Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2312, showing the canon added on the right (© Stichting RKD)

The skeleton in the grave overpainted with a white shroud on which are a bishop’s mitre, a crosier and a processional cross, between 1906 and 1915
