Cornelis Engebrechtsz

Christ’s Second Visit to the House of Mary and Martha

Leiden, c. 1515 - c. 1520


fig. d Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the left-hand window (© Stichting RKD)

fig. e Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the back room (© Stichting RKD)

fig. f Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the foreground figures (© Stichting RKD)

fig. j Cornelis Engebrechtsz, Christ Taking Leave of his Mother, c. 1515-20, with frame

fig. k Cornelis Engebrechtsz, Christ Taking Leave of his Mother, c. 1515-20, verso

fig. g Rendering of the profile of the vertical and top members of the frame (width 52 mm)

fig. h Rendering of the profile of the bottom member of the frame (width 46.5 mm)

fig. i Rendering of the construction of the bottom corners of the frame

fig. g Cornelis Engebrechtsz, Christ Taking Leave of his Mother, c. 1515-20

Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, sheet 2 of The life of the Virgin series, 1507. Joachim and Anna Meeting at the Golden Gate, The Birth of the Virgin, Christ with Mary and Martha and Christ Taking Leave of his Mother. Woodcut, 385 x 283 mm. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique

fig. b Northern Netherlands, Christ Among the Doctors in the Temple, c. 1500-20. Pen or brush, 285 x 211 mm. London, The British Museum

fig. c Attributed to Jan de Beer, The Annunciation, c. 1520. Oil on panel, 66 x 51 cm. Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek (Photo bpk/Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen)

fig. d Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the left-hand window (© Stichting RKD)

fig. e Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the back room (© Stichting RKD)

fig. e Detail of the infrared reflectogram assembly of SK-A-2232, showing the back room (© Stichting RKD)
