Salomon Mesdach (attributed to)

Portrait of Pieter Boudaen Courten (1594-1668)



fig. a Attributed to Salomon Mesdach, Portrait of Balthasar van Vlierden and His Family, 1612. Oil on panel, 95 x 144 cm. The Hague, Haags Historisch Museum, inv. no. 1922-0068-SCH. Photo: Collectie Haags Historisch Museum, on long-term loan to the Zeeuws Museum

fig. b Salomon Mesdach, Portrait of Pieter Gerritsz Schaep (1570-1620), His Wife, Margriete Pauli Halling (1575-1605) and Their Son, Gerrit Pietersz Schaep (1599-1655), c. 1624. Oil on panel, 22.5 x 30.5 cm. Amsterdam, Backer Stichting, on loan to the Amsterdams Historisch Museum, part of inv. no. B 2560. Photo: Amsterdam, Amsterdam Museum, loan from the Backer Stichting
