Lucas van Leyden (copy after)

Inner Left Wing of a Diptych with Christ as the Man of Sorrows

Leiden, c. 1557 - c. 1600


fig. b The panel maker’s mark on the back

fig. d Lucas van Leyden, Inner right wing of a diptych with the Virgin as Mater Dolorosa, c. 1557-1600

fig. a Infrared reflectogram assembly of its pendant, SK-A-1484 (© Stichting RKD)

fig. b The panel maker’s mark on the back

fig. c Attributed to Simon Frisius, Christ as the Man of Sorrows and the Virgin as Mater Dolorosa in a Landscape, 1522. Etching, 130 x 184 mm. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
