…; collection Johann Edler Goll von Franckenstein (1722-1785), Amsterdam and Velzen (L. 2987); his son, Jonkheer Johan Goll van Franckenstein (1756-1821), Amsterdam and Velzen; his son, Jonkheer Pieter Hendrik Goll van Franckenstein (1787-1832), Amsterdam and Velzen; ? his sale, Amsterdam (De Vries et al.), 1 July 1833 sqq., Album HH, with inv. no. RP-T-1905-64 in no. 24, as Valentijn Klotz (‘Twee stuks Watergezigtjes met gebouwen. Met de pen en o.i. inkt, door v. klotz’), fl. 9 for both, to A. Brondgeest, Amsterdam;{Copy RKD.}…; collection Jacob de Vos (1735-1833), Amsterdam; his sale, Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 30 October 1833 sqq., Album DDD as Valentijn Klotz (‘Ingekleurde landschappen, door oude Nederlandsche Meesters, als: […] V. Klotz, welke bij nummers, van NO. 1 tot 32, zullen worden geveild’), fl. 61:50:- for the whole album;{Based on inscription on the drawing; Copy RKD.} …; collection William Esdaile (1758-1837), London (L. 2617); his sale, London (Christie’s), 18 June 1840 sqq., with inv. no. RP-T-1905-64 in no. 965 (‘J. de Grave. A pair of views of a chateau; in water colours; and two sketches’), with three other drawings, fl. 4 for all, to ‘Tiffin’;{Copy RKD.} …; collection René Jacques della Faille de Waerloos (1830-1902), Antwerp; his sale, Amsterdam (F. Muller), 19 January 1904, no. 140, fl. 40, with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, to the museum (L. 2228), 1905
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