…; collection Sybrand Feitama II (1694-1758), Amsterdam, by 1746;{Feitama [1746], fol. 45, no. 5 (‘Jacob Ruisdaal. 2 [originally, 3], Gezichten aan de puinhoopen van ’t Huis te Egmont op den Hoef geteekend omstr: ao 1670: van welken 1 gehandeld is uit S. Schijnvoets Collectie, ao 1715 ƒ 8’); Broos 1985, pp. 118, 148. Which of the two sheets was acquired by Feitama from Simon Schijnvoet in 1715 has not been established.} his sale, Amsterdam (B. de Bosch), 16 October 1758 sqq., Album H, no. 44 or 45 (‘Nochmaals Van J. Ruisdaal met Zwart kryt en Oostind. inkt. Twee gezichten der Puinhoopen van ‘t Huis te Egmont op den hoef omtrent Ao. 1670. ieder: h. 7½. br. 11d.’), fl. 62 for both, to Gerard Hoet II (1698-1760), The Hague;{Copy RKD; one of the two drawings is inv. no. RP-T-1902-A-4561.} his sale, The Hague (A. Franken and O. van Thol), 25 August 1760 sqq., no. 272 (‘’t Kasteel van Egmond op den Hoef. Met Zwart kryt en O.I. Ink. Door J. Ruisdaal’), fl. 37, to the dealer P. IJver, Amsterdam, or no. 273 (‘Het zelfde van een’ andere Zyde, mede zeer fraai, door den zelfden’), fl. 40, to the dealer P. IJver, Amsterdam;{Copy RKD; one of the two drawings is inv. no. RP-T-1902-A-4561.} …; collection Johann Edler Goll von Franckenstein (1722-85), Amsterdam and Velzen, by 1760;{According to an inscription on the drawing; see H.-U. Beck, ‘Anmerkungen zu den Zeichnungssammlungen von Valerius Röver und Goll van Franckenstein’, _Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek_ 32 (1981), p. 118-19 (fig. 7).} his son, Jonkheer Johan Goll van Franckenstein (1756-1821), Amsterdam and Velzen; his son, Jonkheer Pieter Hendrik Goll van Franckenstein (1787-1832), Amsterdam and Velzen; sale, Jonkheer Johan Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 1 July 1833 sqq., Album U, no. 7 (‘Jacob Ruisdaal. Twee stuks, voorstellende de Ruïnen van het Kasteel te Egmond op den hoef, omgeven met geboomte op rijk begroeide gronden. Beide zeer dun en meesterlijk met o.i. inkt.’), with RP-T-1902-A-4561, fl. 125 for both, to the dealer J. de Vries, Amsterdam;{Copy RKD.} …; collection William Esdaile (1758-1837), London (L. 2617); his sale, London (Christie’s), 18 (24) June 1840 sqq., no. 1092 (‘Ruysdael. Ruins, a pair, in indian ink’), with RP-T-1902-A-4561, £ 2:12:6 for both, to William Benoni White (1803-c. 1878), London;{Copy RKD.} his sale, London (Christie’s), 29 January 1880 sqq., no. 81, £ 5:15:6, or no. 82, £ 5:5:0;{Copy RKD; one of the two drawings is inv. no. RP-T-1902-A-4561.} …; sale, Willem Nicolaas Lantsheer (1826-83, The Hague) and Jeronimo de Vries Jerzn (1808-80, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (F. Muller), 3 June 1884 sqq., no. 284, with RP-T-1902-A-4561, fl. 285 for both, to the dealer A.W. Thibaudeau, London and Paris;{Copy RMA.} …; sale, Baron Étienne-Edmond Martin de Beurnonville (1825-1906, Paris), Paris (M. Delestre and M. Clement), 16 February 1885 sqq., no. 217, with RP-T-1902-A-4561, frs. 225 for both;{According to the catalogue for the sale, Amsterdam (F. Muller), 25 June 1895 sqq., no. 563; copy RKD.} …; collection William Pitcairn Knowles (1820-94), Rotterdam and Wiesbaden (L. 2643); his sale, Amsterdam (F. Muller), 25 June 1895 sqq., no. 563, with RP-T-1902-A-4561, fl. 60 for both, to the dealer F. Muller for the Vereniging Rembrandt;{Copy RKD.} from whom, with RP-T-1902-A-4561, fl. 100 for both, to the museum (L. 2228), 1902
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