Object data
height 3.9 cm × width 44.5 cm × depth 25.1 cm
August Elize Tromp
United States of America, 1825
height 3.9 cm × width 44.5 cm × depth 25.1 cm
...; Ministerie van Marine (Department of the Navy), The Hague, 1825;1 transferred to the museum, 1883
Object number: NG-MC-82
Copyright: Public domain
Rectangular wooden box containing twelve wood samples, all labelled: live oak (Quercus spec., three samples), white oak (Quercus spec.), locust (probably Robinia pseudoacacia, two samples), yellow pine (Pinus spec.), red cedar (Thuja plicata), sugar or white maple (Acer spec.), sassefras (Sassafras spec.), mulberry (Morus rubra), white ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica).
In addition to their names Obreen also provides descriptions of the wood types and their possible uses.2 These types of wood were used in American shipbuilding and were collected by August Elize Tromp (1801-1871) during his voyage to North America in the sloop of war Pallas under the command of Julius Constantijn Rijk (1787-1854) in 1825.3
J.C. Rijk, Generaal Rapport Z.M. Pallas, s.l. 1825, manuscript with 6 appendices in HSM, inv. no. NII (03144); A.E. Tromp, Rapport eener reis naar sommige havens van Engeland en de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika, 2 vols., s.l. 1826, manuscript in HSM, inv. no. B.0216(0206); J.M. Obreen, Catalogus der verzameling modellen van het Departement van Marine, The Hague 1858, no. 82; A.A. Lemmers, Techniek op schaal. Modellen en het technologiebeleid van de Marine 1725-1885, Amsterdam 1996, pp. 212-13
J. van der Vliet, 2016, 'August Elize Tromp, Box Containing Twelve Samples of Wood from North America, United States of America, 1825', in J. van der Vliet and A. Lemmers (eds.), Navy Models in the Rijksmuseum, online coll. cat. Amsterdam: hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.242807
(accessed 27 December 2024 14:03:19).