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Een Nederlandse vrouw in wijde geruite rok en rood bloesje, cape en hoed, aan haar linkerhand een jongen, waarschijnlijk haar zoon; haar rechterhand enigszins opgeheven; ze kijkt naar rechts. De tekst in Japanse karakters is geschreven door de (satirische) schrijver/journalist Kanagaki Robun (1829-1894): 'The name of the land is the Netherlands. The land is divided into seventeen provinces, and its capital is Amsterdam. People are good at technology and arts, and science is understood very well there. There are of course hospitals and schools in the land, and there are even educational institutions for the handicapped. They recently acquired a new land in the south, and named it New Holland. They specialize in trade, collect curiosities from the world, and make fortunes on their commerce. (Yokohama-e).