Borman workshop (attributed to), Renier van Thienen (I) (attributed to)

Advancing Female Weeper, from the Tomb of Isabella of Bourbon (1436-1465)

Brussels, c. 1475 - c. 1476


fig. a Gisant of Isabella of Bourbon, 1476. Bronze, h. c. 80 cm. Antwerp, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal. Photo: Paul Hermans

fig. b Tomb of Isabella of Bourbon, engraving in Gerard Block, Le Grand Theatre Sacré du Duché de Brabant, The Hague 1734. Amsterdam, Allard Pierson, Uiversity of Amsterdam, Special Collections, OTM: OF 06-98


  • 1 Provenance reconstructed in H.J. Wiggers, ‘De stad Amsterdam en haar vroegste beeldencollectie’, in M. Jonker et al., In beeld gebracht. Beeldhouwkunst uit de collectie van het Amsterdams Historisch Museum, coll. cat. Amsterdam 1995, pp. 60-75 and H. Vreeken in ibid., nos. 21-30.
  • 2 M. Debaene, ‘A Survey of Archiveal Sources’, in M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, pp. 47-53; C. Dumortier, ‘A Sculptor’s Family of Leuven in Brussels and Antwerp: Some New Information about the Bormans’, in ibid., pp. 57-61.
  • 3 E.S. Thelen (ed.), The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels: Drama, Ceremony, and Art Patronage (16th-17th centuries), Turnhout 2015, pp. 94-102.
  • 4 Brussels, Art and History Museum, inv. no. 362.
  • 5 M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, nos. 107, 111, 112, 171-86, 225-27, 236-39, 241, 242, 262 and 264.
  • 6 M. Debaene ‘The Death and Rise of the Leuven Late Gothic Sculpture Centre’, in M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, pp. 62-63; M. Lefftz, ‘The creative identity of the Bormans: A stylistic approach’ in ibid., pp. 65-99; M. Lefftz and M. Debaene, ‘Summary Catalogue of the Borman Dynasty and Workshop’, in ibid. pp. 178-293.
  • 7 Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, inv. no. KB 63.
  • 8 A. McGee Morganstern, Gothic Tombs of Kinship in France, the Low Countries, and England, Pennsylvania 2000.
  • 9 F. Scholten, Isabella’s Weepers: Ten Statues from a Burgundian Tomb, Amsterdam 2007, figs. 14-15, 20, 22, 24.
  • 10 De Gérines must not be confused with a man who shared his name, a priest and notary who appears in records in 1490. This ‘Jacobus Gerynes alias Coperslaghere’ was appointed pastor of Wommelgem (near Antwerp) in 1462, see State Archives of Belgium, Antwerp, St Michael’s Abbey Archive, Nieuw cartularium 8, fols. 160v-162v. He was also a priest in the bishopric of Cambrai and imperial and papal public notary. In this latter capacity, on 21 September 1490, in the choir of the Hertoginnedal Convent of the Dominican Sisters in Oudergem (near Brussels), he drew up the deed in which Pierre Maes, priest and pastor of the Sint-Clemenskerk in Watermaal, took his vows as a monk of the abbey; A. Uyttebrouck and A. Graffart, Inventaire des archives du prieuré de Val-Duchesse à Auderghem (Inventaire analytique des archives ecclésiastiques du Brabant), vol. 2 (Établissements religieux), Brussels 1979, no. 362 (State Archives of Belgium, Anderlecht, Brabant Church Archive, 20.414, no. 199). With thanks to Michel Oosterbosch, State Archives of Belgium, Brussels. According to A. Pinchart, Jacques de Gerines. Batteur de cuivre du XVe siècle, et ses oeuvres, Brussels 1866, pp. 8-9, this ‘coperslaghere’ (coppersmith) was a son of the brass-founder De Gérines. This son died on 13 August 1496.
  • 11 Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, inv. no. 955, see L. Campbell et al., Rogier van der Weyden 1400-1464. Master of Passions, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2009, no. 58b.
  • 12 M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, London 2019, no. 27.
  • 13 M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, no. 54.
  • 14 M. Lefftz, ‘The creative identity of the Bormans. A stylistic approach’, in M. Debaene (ed.), Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, pp. 65-99, esp. pp. 66, 69. Also to be considered is the possibility – likewise hypothetical – that Jan Borman II was trained in Jean Delemer’s studio, see F. Scholten, Isabella’s Weepers: Ten Statues from a Burgundian Tomb, Amsterdam 2007, p. 48.
  • 15 M. Debaene (ed.), ¬Borman: A Family of Northern Renaissance Sculptors, exh. cat. Leuven (Museum M) 2019, p. 48.
  • 16 J. Leeuwenberg, ‘De tien bronzen ‘plorannen’ in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam, hun herkomst en de voorbeelden waaraan zij zijn ontleend’, Gentse Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis 13 (1951), pp. 13-57; J. Leeuwenberg, ‘Nogmaals de Amsterdamse gravenbeeldjes’, Oud Holland 73 (1958), pp. 156-60, esp. p. 159.