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Marcello Rizzello, 'Thoughts on the external development of the oboe in France from 1650 to 1810', Philomusica on-line 22, 2023, no. 2, p. 27-108: 35
Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, 'Zeldzame Nederlandse Barokhobo's. Muziekschatten in het Rijksmuseum', Oude Muziek Magazine 2020, nr. 1, p. 10-11, afb. 1
Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, 'The Rijksmuseum to acquire and display the Han De Vries collection of oboes', CIMCIM Bulletin, Jan. 2019, p. 22-24, afb. 2
Jan Bouterse, 'The Woodwind Instruments of Richard Haka (1645/6-1705)', From Renaissance to Baroque: Change in Instruments and Instrumental Music in the Seventeenth Century, ed. by Jonathan Wainwright and Peter Holman, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005, p. 63-72: 69
Jan Bouterse, 'Stempels en inscripties op Nederlandse houten blaasinstrumenten uit de Barok', Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 49, nr. 1 (1999), p. 32-54: 41
Rob van Acht, 'Dutch Makers of Double Reed Instruments in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries', The Journal of the International Double Reed Society 24 (1996), p. 77-88: 83
'Major double-reed exhibition in August', Newsletter of the American Musical Instrument Society 17, nr. 1 (Feb., 1988), p. 10 met afb.