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Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, ‘The Rijksmuseum’s Remarkable Collection of Oboes’, The Double Reed 49, 2021, no. 2, p. 92-127: 114-115, 121, fig. 22
Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, 'The Rijksmuseum to acquire and display the Han De Vries collection of oboes', CIMCIM Bulletin, Jan. 2019, p. 22-24
Geoffrey Burgess, 'On writing a history of the oboe in the 19th century', FoMRHI Quarterly 76 (Jul., 1994), Comm. 1279, p. 26-44: 32
Karl Ventzke, 'Henri Brod (1799-1839): Ein Oboenvirtuose als Oboenbauer', Tibia: Magazin für freunde alter und neuer bläsermusik 2, nr. 3 (1977), p. 347-350: 349, afb. 3