…; ? sale collection Mr. Johan van der Marck Aegidiuszn (Leiden), Amsterdam (De Winter/ Yver), 25 August 1783, p. 185, no. 23, fl. 3, to Delfos;{Copy RKD. Under the heading ‘Pieter Savery’: _23 Twee stuks zittende Beelden, waar van de eene is Neptunus en de andere Eölus. Zynde konstig en fraay geboetseerd en gebakken_ (Two pieces of sitting Sculptures, one of which is Neptune and the other Aeolus. Being skillfully and beautifully modelled and fired). From the same collection is Xaveri’s _Hurdy-Gurdy Player_ in the Rijksmuseum (BK-1978-36).}…; collection Diego Suarez (1888-1974) and his wife Evelyn Suarez-Marshall Field (1888-1979), probably before 1974; her sale, New York (Christie’s), 7 June 1980, no. 78,{Illustration mirror-reversed.} $ 22,000 (fl. 41,851), to the museum, with the support of the Rijksmuseum-Stichting
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