? Commissioned by Dirk van Lennep Dirksz (1693-1755) for his house 476 Herengracht, Amsterdam, 1730;{P.M. Fischer, _Ignatius en Jan van Logteren: Beeldhouwers en stuckunstenaars in het Amsterdam van de 18e eeuw_, Alphen aan de Rijn 2005, pp. 277-78, 343.} ? acquired by Jean de Wolff (d. 1735), 13 November 1733;{On 13 November 1733 Jean de Wolff purchased much of Dirk van Lennep Dirksz’ bankruptcy assets, including the ‘marble… Bas-relief and Chimney piece’ which is possibly identical to the relief in question. A few months later, on 6 January 1734, Wolff also purchased the house. In inventories of the estate of after 1733, there is no further mention of the marble chimney piece. C.P. van Eeghen, ‘Het Huis Heerengracht 476’, _Jaarboek Amstelodamum_ 39 (1942), pp. 35-88, esp. pp. 49ff.} …; from the dealer Goudstikker, Amsterdam, fl. 900, to the museum, 1933
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