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Deksel van eivormige theebus van porselein, beschilderd op het glazuur in blauw, rood, roze, groen, geel, aubergine, zwart en goud. Op de deksel tweemaal twee medaillons en een vierpas met planten in encre de Chine of roze. Europese voorstelling in emailkleuren en encre de Chine.
The lavish decoration of this rare teapoy and cover displays an interesting combination of Chinese and Meissen-inspired styles, and is an example of the cultural interaction that took place between China and Europe during the 18th century. The border of the central cartouches, the delicate scrollwork and reserves on the body are related to the designs produced at the Meissen factory, particularly on tea and coffee services, between around 1725 and 1730. The central scene of the harbour town on the far bank of the river, possibly depicting the arrival of merchant ships from the East, is reminiscent of Meissen Hausmaler paintings, although the original design was probably copied onto porcelain.