Modern Japanese Lacquer - Out of the Box

July 2 2021 to September 5 2021

There’s something magical about Japanese lacquer art. The decorations are made with exceptional care and skill using dozens of layers of lacquer in a process that takes months if not years.

In this exhibition, traditional depictions in gold, silver and black form the departure point for a journey into modernity, creativity and exuberant colours. The almost seventy objects on display trace this development in the early 20th century.

The exhibition is made in collaboration with Jan Dees. With works on loan from the collection of Jan Dees & René van der Star, and from Japan and the United States.
ring Rokkaku Daijō, Japanese Cormorant, 1938. Purchased with the support of the Goslings NieuwBeerta Fonds/Rijksmuseum Fonds