Meestermatches Route
Visit 5 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Meestermatches in the museum
The Tomb of Michiel de Ruyter in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, Emanuel de Witte, 1683
Room 2.15
Bell-shaped covered beaker vase with hatched plants in petal-shaped panels, anonymous, c. 1680 - c. 1720
Room 2.22
The Bookshop and Lottery Agency of Jan de Groot in the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam, Isaac Ouwater, 1779
Room 1.11
An Amsterdam Canal House Garden, Cornelis Troost, c. 1740 - 1745
Room 1.1
Wine glass with two hands around a heart, anonymous, c. 1725 - c. 1750
Room 0.7
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