Vision Board Route
Visit 16 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Vision Board in the museum
Still Life with Cheese, Floris Claesz van Dijck, c. 1615
the Gallery of Honour
Crown for the King of Ardra, anonymous, c. 1664
Room 2.9
The Great Assembly of 1651, Bartholomeus van Bassen, c. 1651
Room 2.18
Doll’s House of Petronella Oortman, Jacob Appel (I), c. 1710
Room 2.20
Four-poster bed, anonymous, c. 1715 - c. 1720
Room 2.22
Toilet Mirror, Joseph-Germain Dutalis, 1828 - 1829
Room 1.13
Dish covers, coolers, soup tureens, salt cellars, pepper and mustard pots, sauceboats, Jean Baptiste Claude Odiot, c. 1819
Room 1.13
Desk, Abraham Roentgen, c. 1758 - c. 1760
Room 1.9
Brisé fan, anonymous, c. 1795
Room 1.5
Nécessaire van goud met op het deksel een staand horloge, anonymous, 1750
Room 0.7
Pendant necklace, Firma van den Eersten & Hofmeijer, c. 1920 - c. 1929
Room 0.9
Dragon-Shaped Toothpick Pendant, anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1600
Room 0.9
Trouwring met inscriptie: AELGEN. IANS. FOLLICKEN. LAMBERTSEN. HVVS. VROV. IS, anonymous, c. 1550
Room 0.9
Ring, anonymous, 1738
Room 0.9
Ring met inscriptie: IC BIN DÜN AVE MARIA PLENA CASPAR MELSIOR BALTASAR,, anonymous, c. 1200 - c. 1300
Room 0.9
Ring met dame met de eenhoorn, anonymous, c. 1550 - c. 1600
Room 0.9
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