Meestermatches Route
Visit 6 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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Meestermatches in the museum
Beaker, anonymous, 1606
Room 2.5
Jacob’s Dream, Ary de Vois, 1660 - 1680
Room 2.24
Donkey Rides on the Beach, Isaac Israels, c. 1890 - c. 1901
Room 1.18
Portrait of Carolina Frederica Kerst, Charles van Beveren, 1830
Room 1.12
Isaac Parker, His Wife Justina Johanna Ramskrammer and Their Son Willem Alexander, Philip van Dijk, 1742
Room 1.1
Court Jester Joseph Frölich with a Lady-in-waiting on a Sleigh, Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur, 1741
Room 0.10
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