Tour Test Route
Visit 7 works of this collection in the Rijksmuseum
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The app will guide you step by step along these artworks in the museum.
Tour Test in the museum
Lidded ewer, Adam van Vianen (I), 1614
Room 2.1
Self-portrait, Johan Gregor van der Schardt, 1573
Room 2.3
Portrait of a Woman, Probably Maria Trip (1619-1683), Rembrandt van Rijn, 1639
Room 2.8
Clock and gunpowder horn, anonymous, c. 1590 - c. 1596
Room 2.9
Dolls’ house of Petronella Oortman, anonymous, c. 1686 - c. 1710
Room 2.20
Children of the Sea, Jozef Israëls, 1872
Room 1.18
Seated Cupid, Étienne-Maurice Falconet, 1757
Room 1.9
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